How To Take Care Of Your Tree

Please read below for our hints and tips on taking care of your Christmas Tree to make it last as long as possible.

Taking Care Of Your Tree

It is part of the life cycle of the conifer tree that it sheds needles and they will accelerate that shedding particularly if they dry out. Some trees do so more quickly than others. The best way to ensure satisfaction is to care for the tree while it is in your home. A tree should be treated like any plant being brought into a warm, dry atmosphere.

Container Grown Trees

These are trees that have been grown in their pots. It is often possible to lift the whole root system out of the pot and see the closely woven root which has grown in the pot. The trees themselves should look fresh. The trees will be small and seldom more than five to six foot. The trees should be watered and cared for as for any house plant. After Christmas they can either be planted out with a very good chance of success or they can be left to grow on in their pot, but it is much better in this case to re-pot the tree in a larger pot. It is seldom possible to re-pot trees in this way for more than one season.

Cut Trees

It is essential that cut trees should be fresh when purchased. The needles should not be dull and dried up. The branches should not be brittle. The outer needles should not fall off if the tree is gently shaken.

After you have bought your tree it should be kept outside in a cool shaded place, preferably standing in water, until it is required indoors. Before bringing the tree indoors it is an advantage if about half an inch is cut off the butt in order to open up the pores of the tree. Mount it in a water-holding stand and place it away from direct heat. Keep the container topped up with water every day; you will be surprised how much it needs.


If you have any further questions about taking care of your tree, please use the form below to get in touch and we will help where we can.

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All of our trees will be freshly cut, picked and wrapped to the size you order.
We cannot guarantee all sizes of all trees are available at all times.
We cannot accept any requests for refunds for aesthetic issues with the tree we have chosen for you. If there is a fundamental issue with your tree after delivery / collection, please get in touch either via phone on 07787 072 190 or via our contact form.

Interested? Visit Our Shop To Buy Your Perfect Tree

We understand that choosing your tree online is different to how we usually do things, but our trees all have the same amazing quality as every year.

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